Mehr Infos

Whitepaper: Summative Evaluation/ Human Factors Validation using the example of Healthyfy

Author: Marvin Kolb

Reading time:

May 2024

We are pleased to present our latest white paper, which dives deep into the world of summative evaluation and human factors validation. This comprehensive document provides you with valuable insights into the implementation and process of this important evaluation method, illustrated by our example product Healthyfy.


What can you expect from our white paper?

  • Valuable practical tips. We guide you through the evaluation process of our sample product Healthyfy and show how the developers have successfully implemented these methods.
  • In-depth insights into the implementation and process of summative evaluation/human factors validation.


Who is this whitepaper for?

Our white paper is aimed at

  • Medical device developers
  • Professionally interested parties
  • Decision-makers
  • Professionals and newcomers


Download now and benefit

Download our white paper and find out how summative evaluation and human factors validation can help you in a specific case. We are convinced that you will gain valuable insights that will help you to successfully bring your products through summative evaluation/human factors validation.

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