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Get your Usability Engineering / HF Strategy quickly and reliably

Check out our starter plans.
Durchführung der summativen Evaluation / Human Factors Validation

How Usability Engineering Starter works with us:

01. Starter-Workshop

In a joint workshop we assess the current status of your Usability / Human Factors Engineering.

02. Identify Requirements

Based on the results of the workshop we identify the regulatory and market-specific Usability / Human Factors Engineering requirements for your product(s).

03. Define Strategy

We develop a Usability Engineering / HF strategy that covers all requirements. This will provide you with clear instructions on how to achieve regulatory compliance.

Pick the plan that supports your goals:

Usability Engineering Starter

What it contains:
Gruppe 1703

Starter Workshop: In a joint workshop we assess the current status of your Usability / Human Factors Engineering. We have a look at:

  • The medical device
  • Your user group
  • Your use environment
  • Your intended markets
  • Existing preparatory work including risk management
  • Your internal processes and SOPs
Gruppe 1703

Identify Requirements: Based on the results of the workshop we identify the regulatory and market-specific Usability / Human Factors Engineering requirements for your product(s).

Gruppe 1703

Usability Engineering Strategy: We develop a Usability Engineering / HF strategy that covers all requirements. This will provide you with clear instructions on how to achieve regulatory compliance.

Your Invest:


Make it Plus

The whole Usability Engineering Starter plan plus:
Gruppe 1703

Our Premium Template set  for Usability & Human Factors Engineering: In this package, you will receive all the necessary templates for regulatory compliance in the field of usability and human factors engineering.

Your Invest:


Certified for excellence


Benefits of having a precise Usability Engineering / HF strategy

Know exactly how to get market clearance

With a Usability Engineering / HF strategy in place, you have a clear roadmap to navigate the regulatory requirements necessary to bring your product(s) to market. This enables you to effectively plan your tasks & timelines well in advance.

Speed up your time to market

A precise Usability Engineering / HF strategy allows you to shorten development cycles by mitigating unforeseen regulatory issues. This, in turn, enables you to bring your product(s) to the market more quickly.

You can prioritize the target markets
Developing and approving a medical device / IVD is a costly endeavor. However, having a strong Usability Engineering/Human Factors (HF) Strategy in place can provide an advantage when deciding which markets to target.
Allocate the right budget
With an understanding of the necessary actions to take for specific target markets and the projected timeline, you can appropriately allocate the budget required. This advantage facilitates communication with service providers or investors.

Why we are the perfect partner for your Usability
Engineering / HF strategy?

We are specialized in medical devices and IVDs: QM system according to ISO 13485, TÜV-certified Medical Device Experts and equipment perfectly tailored to medical devices and IVDs – with us you have a partner who knows his stuff!

We supported already over 300 medical devices / IVDs: Through our efficient process, we have expertly guided these products to market clearance, ensuring a secure and user-friendly experience for our consumers.

Fast project execution: We respond quickly to your request and keep the implementation as efficient as possible.

If you need an execution partner for your strategy – we are fully equipped: We can support you in every need regarding the Documentation or Usability of medical devices / IVDs. From specialized labs to conduct your formative/summative evaluation/HF validation to our location in the USA that aids in FDA approval – we’ve got you covered.

What do our customers say about us?

Aero Pump

„Custom Medical has been helpful in depth. It’s given us a lot of advices for creating the relevant usability engineering file in addition, to have a nice user interface. To having someone available via videoconference or email can help us with usability engineering evaluation related questions of what the best practices are and how they are applied in the study. And I think that’s Custom Medical apart from anyone else.“

Priscila Panigoro | Regulatory Affairs @Aero Pump

„It was easy to work with Custom Medical. Their structured approach to projects resulted in the successful completion of our project. We would recommend Custom Medical to companies looking for a reliable and structured partner in usability engineering, especially medical device companies facing the issue of summative evaluation.“

Clemens Winkler | Chirurg @Fasciotens

„Working with Custom Medical was very relaxed. […] I would recommend Custom Medical to anyone who does not have enough usability engineering resources in-house. The advantage of Custom Medical is that they not only take care of product validation, but also help improve the UX design of a product.“

Ludwig Wildner | Chief Technology Officer @PreciPoint

Let’s get started!

Tessa rekrutiert die Probanden für Ihre summative Evaluation